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2022 Next Direction

NextDirection is a summer conference for high school and college students who are excited to learn more about choral education as a career.

NextDirection 2022 is excited to return to the beautiful campus of UW-Eau Claire. We look forward to seeing you July 11-15, 2022.

About (Mission Statement)

Because WCDA believes so strongly in the value of music and its role in the elevation of the human spirit, NextDirection was created to bring together the brightest, most dynamic young people to consider a career in choral music.

Teaming passionate, like-minded students with our professions’ finest nationally/internationally renowned choral leaders, they experience motivating rehearsals, discussions, and significant insight into the choral art.

Through this significant, process-oriented exploration of the choral music profession, participants will gain a clearer vision of possibilities for their musical future.

BELOW is a the application for a $500 scholarship to attend Next Direction. Sponsored by our SD-ACDA!



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