SD-ACDA Updates
Hello SD-ACDA friends!
I hope this finds you all doing well in the cold weather! I wanted to just send a friendly reminder about the NextDirection program that is offered by ACDA. This is a wonderful opportunity for high school students who have completed Grades 10-12 and have demonstrated leadership in their ensembles, and may be interested in pursuing a music career! Scholarship money is available through SD-ACDA! If you have a student or know of someone who is interested in pursuing this, please let me know by Saturday, Feb. 15. Please see website below for more information.
Additionally, South Dakota High School Honor Choir auditions are coming up and the deadline to register for auditions is Mar. 2, 2020. Please contact myself or Stacy Gross if you have questions. This year's SD High School Honor Choir is at SDSU July 26-31.
Also, if you are attending the NC/C ACDA Conference in Milwaukee, we are planning a gathering for our SD ACDA folks who attend. More information to follow!
I hope you are all doing well in this winter season. As always, please let me know if I can be of assistance.
Thanks and have a great day!
Kaye Waltner, Vocal Music Director
Whittier Middle School
930 East 6th Street
Sioux Falls, SD. 57105
SD-ACDA President